Kota Malang is a city located in East Java, Indonesia. It is known for its cool climate, beautiful landscapes, and rich cultural heritage. The city is home to a diverse population of over 800,000 people, with a mix of Javanese, Chinese, and other ethnic groups.
From an economic perspective, Kota Malang is a thriving city with a strong focus on agriculture, tourism, and education. The city is surrounded by fertile land, making it an ideal location for farming. It is also home to several universities and colleges, which attract students from all over Indonesia and beyond.
One of the financial institutions that has been serving the people of Kota Malang for many years is BPRS Mitra Harmoni Kota Malang. BPRS stands for “Bank Perkreditan Rakyat Syariah,” which translates to “Islamic People’s Credit Bank.” BPRS Mitra Harmoni Kota Malang is a sharia-compliant financial institution that provides a range of banking services to its customers.
The bank was established in 2003 and has since grown to become one of the leading financial institutions in the region. It is known for its excellent customer service, competitive rates, and innovative products. BPRS Mitra Harmoni Kota Malang offers a range of services, including savings accounts, loans, and investment products.
One of the unique features of BPRS Mitra Harmoni Kota Malang is its commitment to sharia-compliant banking. This means that the bank operates in accordance with Islamic principles, which prohibit the charging of interest on loans. Instead, the bank uses a profit-sharing model, where profits are shared between the bank and its customers.
Overall, BPRS Mitra Harmoni Kota Malang is an important financial institution in the region, providing valuable services to the people of Kota Malang. Its commitment to sharia-compliant banking and excellent customer service make it a trusted partner for individuals and businesses alike.
Alamat Kantor Bank BPRS Mitra Harmoni Kota Malang
Jl. A Yani No. 20-G Blimbing Malang
Kota Malang
Provinsi Jawa Timur
No Telp: 0341-474630
Email: mhm.syariah@gmail.com
Demikianlah informasi alamat lengkap BPRS Mitra Harmoni Kota Malang yang diambil dari website resmi Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK).
Untuk alamat lengkap kantor BPR lain nya dari seluruh Indonesia dapat dilihat di kategori Alamat BPRS.
Semoga informasi alamat kantor BPRS Mitra Harmoni Kota Malang ini bermanfaat.